Alps Premium Customized Coaching Plan
Life's Little Bliss
Service Description
This booking is to be made in conjunction with our Alps Premium Customized Coaching Plan. You Can only book this service if you have already signed up for that Plan. To sign up for this service 1. Go site menu and select Customized Coaching Plan 2. On that Page navigate to the package named Alps 3. Click on the Buy Now button and follow through the process to make the payment 4. Then anytime you want to book a session under that package, you return to this page (Book Online), select this service, click on Book Now, and proceed to book by choosing an available day and time that works for you. 5. Click on Choose A Plan and select the right plan(the plan you purchased at point 2) 6. Complete the booking If you find this process quite confusing, start a chat with us on WhatsApp and an Agent will either walk you through it, or you can request that they do it for you.

Cancellation Policy
Cancellation A canceled appointment negatively affects three people: you, your counselor, and another client who could have potentially used your time slot. Counseling sessions are scheduled in advance and are time reserved exclusively for our clients. When a session is canceled without adequate notice, we are unable to fill the time slot by offering it to another client who needs it. Additionally, we are unable to bill you for that session. We encourage you to consider these factors when choosing a slot or when you become aware that you may not be able to attend the session. However, we understand that some cancellations result from situations beyond our clients' control, and we are always available to discuss rescheduling options. Refund Policy Full Refund (100%): If a service is canceled within 12 hours after the payment has been made, and you do not wish to continue with the service, the entire amount will be refunded to you. 80% Refund: If a service is canceled 12 or more hours after the payment is made and you have no intention of continuing with the service, 80% of the paid amount will be refunded to you. 50% Refund: If a service is canceled between 12 to 6 hours before the scheduled time and you do not wish to continue with the service, 50% of the paid amount will be refunded to you. No Refund: Cancellations made within 6 hours before the scheduled time will not be eligible for a refund. However, should you wish to reschedule the session, we would require a notification from you at least 2 hours before the original scheduled time. If we do not receive this notice in the stipulated time, rescheduling will not be an option. Packages of Multiple Sessions: Unused Sessions: If you purchase a package of multiple sessions and choose to cancel without using any of the sessions: If the cancellation falls within the timelines that warrant a reduced refund (e.g., 80% or 50%), the percentage reduction will be applied not on the entire package amount, but on the cost of a single session. After determining the refund for the first session using this method, the remainder of the package amount (excluding the cost of the first session) will be added to this refund amount. For example, if a cancellation merits an 80% refund and the cost of one session is $100, then $80 (which is 80% of $100) will be refunded for the first session, and the remaining amount for the rest of the sessions will be added to this refund. Partially Used Packages: If you commence the sessions in a package and decide to discontinue, the refund will be calculated based on the number of remaining sessions. Each of these outstanding sessions will be treated as individual sessions for refund calculations, as detailed in the above policy. This ensures that you receive a fair refund for each session rather than a broad percentage reduction applied to the entire package. Cancellations Initiated by Us: If, for any reason, we have to cancel a service you've purchased and decide not to continue working with you, we will inform you immediately and ensure a full refund of the amount you paid. Please note that all refunds will be processed through the original mode of payment. We recommend our clients to thoroughly read and understand this policy before purchasing any of our services. If you have any queries or concerns, do not hesitate to reach out to our customer service team. Rescheduling All bookings can be rescheduled by either party at least two (2) hours before the scheduled time. Payments All payments must be made in full at least 24 hours before the scheduled time. Confirmation of booking is completed when full payment is received. Until full payment is received, a booking is considered provisional and can be canceled by either party with or without prior notice. Payment Methods We accept payments globally. Payment can be made online through the secure payment gateway available on our website. If you prefer to make payment through mobile money, bank transfer, Wise, or any payment platform of your choice, kindly request the details through our WhatsApp number. Duration of a Session Each session is scheduled for fifty (50) minutes with an additional 10 minutes to recap and agree on action points, making the total time spent sixty (60) minutes. Any time beyond this allotted time but within ten (10) minutes of the following hour is free. If it extends beyond 10 minutes of the next hour, at our discretion, we may continue for the remaining time and charge it as a full session. Waiting Period Our waiting period for each session is fifteen (15) minutes. If, after the stipulated period, a client is not available and has not given us any notice of a delay, we will consider it a no-show and, at our discretion, charge the session as having taken place. Meeting Options We currently do not hold any in-person sessions. All our sessions are conducted via Zoom. You will receive your join-in credentials as part of the booking process. If Zoom presents a challenge for you, we are open to using WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Skype, or Google Hangouts. All calls are video calls. Either party can request a voice call if a video call presents an inconvenience. Direct Calls In the event of a poor internet connection, if it becomes necessary to make a regular voice call, you will initiate the call and bear the cost. If the issue is on our end, we will initiate the call and bear the cost. Tests and Questionnaire Administration At our discretion, your counselor may administer specific tests to aid your emotional wellness journey. These tests may be administered at a fee. After the first session, you may be required to complete a detailed counseling questionnaire if it becomes evident that further sessions are necessary. This will be at no cost to you. Non Disclosure Agreement It is understood and agreed that the Discloser and the Recipient would like to exchange certain information for the purposes of counseling that may be considered confidential. To ensure the protection of such information and in consideration of the agreement to exchange said information, the parties agree as follows: 1. The confidential information to be disclosed by Discloser under this Agreement (“Confidential Information”) can be described as and includes: Private, personal emotional, psychological, sexual, family life, relationship, children, business, financial spiritual and social information relating to Discloser’s personal marital, romantic Relationship and family life of present, past and future nature so far as such information is designated as “Confidential Information” at the time of its disclosure. In addition to the above, Confidential Information shall also include, and the Recipient shall have a duty to protect, other confidential and/or sensitive information which is (a) disclosed by Discloser in writing and marked as confidential (or with other similar designation) at the time of disclosure; and/or (b) disclosed by Discloser in any other manner and identified as confidential at the time of disclosure and is also summarized and designated as confidential in a written memorandum delivered to Recipient within thirty (30) days of the disclosure. 2. Recipient shall use the Confidential Information only for the purpose of evaluating, diagnosing and treatment of the Discloser or to seek potential help from or a referral of the Discloser to a Third Party for the same purpose. 3. Recipient shall limit disclosure of Confidential Information within its own organization to its directors, officers, partners, members and/or employees having a need to know and shall not disclose Confidential Information to any third party (whether an individual, corporation or other entity) without the prior written consent of Discloser. Recipient shall have satisfied its obligations under this paragraph if it takes affirmative measures to ensure compliance with these confidentiality obligations by its employees, agents, consultants and others who are permitted access to or use of the Confidential Information. 4. This Agreement imposes no obligation upon Recipient with respect to any Confidential Information (a) that was in Recipient’s possession before receipt from Discloser; (b) is or becomes a matter of public knowledge through no fault of Recipient; (c) is rightfully received by Recipient from a third party not owing a duty of confidentiality to the Discloser; (d) is disclosed without a duty of confidentiality to a third party by, or with the authorization of, Discloser; or (e) is independently developed by Recipient. 5. Discloser warrants that he/she has the right to make the disclosures under this Agreement. 6. This Agreement shall not be construed as creating, conveying, transferring, granting or conferring upon the Recipient any rights, license or authority in or to the information exchanged, except the limited right to use Confidential Information specified in paragraph 2. Furthermore and specifically, no license or conveyance of any intellectual property rights is granted or implied by this Agreement. 7. Neither party has an obligation under this Agreement to purchase any service, goods, or intangibles from the other party. Furthermore, both parties acknowledge and agree that the exchange of information under this Agreement shall not commit or bind either party to any present or future contractual relationship (except as specifically stated herein), nor shall the exchange of information be construed as an inducement to act or not to act in any given manner. 8. Neither party shall be liable to the other in any manner whatsoever for any decisions, obligations, costs or expenses incurred, changes in business practices, plans, organization, products, services, or otherwise, based on either party’s decision to use or rely on any information exchanged under this Agreement. 9. If there is a breach or threatened breach of any provision of this Agreement, it is agreed and understood that Discloser shall have no adequate remedy in money or other damages and accordingly shall be entitled to injunctive relief; provided however, no specification in this Agreement of any particular remedy shall be construed as a waiver or prohibition of any other remedies in the event of a breach or threatened breach of this Agreement. 10. This Agreement states the entire agreement between the parties concerning the disclosure of Confidential Information and supersedes any prior agreements, understandings, or representations with respect thereto. Any addition or modification to this Agreement must be made in writing and signed by authorized representatives of both parties. This Agreement is made under and shall be construed according to the laws of the Republic Of Ghana. In the event that this agreement is breached, any and all disputes must be settled in a court of competent jurisdiction in the Republic Of Ghana. 11. If any of the provisions of this Agreement are found to be unenforceable, the remainder shall be enforced as fully as possible and the unenforceable provision(s) shall be deemed modified to the limited extent required to permit enforcement of the Agreement as a whole. WHEREFORE, the parties acknowledge that they have read and understand this Agreement and voluntarily accept the duties and obligations set forth herein. By proceeding to make any form of payment regarding any of our aforementioned services, you agree to the terms and conditions stipulated in this Document.
Contact Details
+ 233 554849792
East Legon Hills, PG Sebastian Coaching, Ghana